July 6, 2010

Tony Tasset: snow and eyes

Most days, we see one of internationally renowned artist Tony Tasset's sculptures on our way to work.  The piece (on Chicago Avenue, just west of Ashland in the display window of the former Goldblatt's Department Store) is titled Snow Sculpture For Chicago and is an amazingly realistic recreation of the type of dingy grey, garbage encrusted snow pile that is familiar to many urbanites.  "These piles of snow are sublime; both ugly and beautiful, like life" is how Tasset sees it.

Tomorrow (July 7th) marks the official debut of Tasset's latest public art installation in Chicago.  Eye is a three story tall representation of a human eyeball that will reside in downtown's Pritzker Park. It will be mounted facing the corner of State Stret and Van Buren.  We are excited to have something else to visit when we make our occasional treks downtown to view the Millennium Park sculptures. 

More on Tony Tasset can be viewed here and hereRead more about Tony Tasset's sculpture, Eye, in Abraham Ritchie's article on The Chicago Art Blog. Peep additional info on Snow Sculpture For Chicago.

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