September 28, 2010

modern design in the streets...

Ever wonder what happens once an artist finishes a street piece?  There are a myriad of possibilities. Sometimes it sits unnoticed and is allowed to weather gracefully with time.  Sometimes it is modified by others who seek to improve it or destroy it.  Sometimes it is buffed by Mayor Daley's graffiti blasters before anyone has been able to notice it.  To this list of possible scenarios we can now add that sometimes it is used as a photographic background to sell high end modern design pieces at auction.

Chicago's Wright auction house has evidently been sneaking some of the design pieces out of their gallery and into the alleys to get ready for their upcoming auction: Modern Design 12 October 2010.  The auction catalog features a handful of photos that break free from that perfectly-lit-void in which most auction objects seem to be photographed.  Instead of nothingness we get to see some classic furniture and decorative arts posed (or perhaps juxtaposed) in front of street art pieces by the likes of Cro and Don't Fret.

When asked about the placements we discovered that Cro felt it was strange to have one of his 'Blago' stencils being used as a backdrop for a chair by French designer Jean Prouve (above left).  Don't Fret, on the other hand, thought it was pretty funny that the Sol Bloom settee was posed in front of one of his characters (above right) and added the narrative: "I guess the young fellow grew up to be a furniture seller".

View the entire auction on Wright's website and be sure to let us know if you recognize any of the other Chicago street art backgrounds.

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